When gratitude can help me?

When gratitude can help me?

Let's start by briefly explaining what gratitude is.

Gratitude is a state of mind. It is a state of consciousness in which you choose to be. It's a state of mind in which you recognize the value of the blessings you already have.

When you practice gratitude, you put yourself in a higher state of consciousness. You focus your attention on the things in your life that make you feel good and you give thanks for everything you have. In the book "The Miracle of Mindfulness", author Thich Nhat Hanh (2020) says that mindfulness is the miracle that allows us to master and restore ourselves.

I think these days we can easily get to a state of frustration. That's why, from time to time (or more often), I think there's nothing wrong (quite the opposite) with being grateful, feeling grateful and, icing on the cake, expressing gratitude. It's so comforting to receive a kind word from someone else, and it can definitely change the way your day goes. But I'm not going to go into detail now, here's what you're looking for if you click on this article.

How to practice gratitude?

Foremost, I'd advise you to take a few deep breaths to bring your mind back into your body and be more grounded (= be in the present moment). When you feel that your body and mind are calmer, you can concentrate on 3, 5 or 7 things for which you feel a deep sense of gratitude. Concentrate on one thing at a time and let the feeling wash over you.

"I want to cultivate positive vibes around me"

An exercise you can do throughout the day (in the morning when you wake up, during a break in the day or in the evening before going to bed) is to take 3, 5 or 7 things for which you feel gratitude. Write them down in a journal dedicated to this practice, detailing them and letting the feelings they bring up to you (if you lack inspiration, you can get a copy of "100 gratitude affirmations - I am grateful..." available in our e-shop).

"I want to manifest the life I dream of and see a little more magic in my everyday life"

One of my favourite exercises that helps me enormously to have good days and consciously focus my attention on the good things is what I call the "lazy gratitude exercise": set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than usual and when your alarm goes off the next morning, stay in bed and choose 5 things to be grateful for and for each item, let the feeling of comfort and well-being wash over you. Personally, after this little exercise, I get excited about the day ahead. I imagine that something I want is going to happen, that I'm going to get a nice surprise, I imagine myself living the life I want, I let the little miracles that can happen come to me. I guarantee that this combination of exercises will give you a boost as soon as you wake up and that a state of fulfillment will accompany you throughout the day.

 "I can't fall asleep at night / I have insomnia"

Another exercise that I really like, and here I'm giving a special nod to all those who suffer from problems falling asleep or insomnia. For a long time, I had a lot of trouble falling asleep because my head was elsewhere. What helps me to fall asleep when this happens again is that I make a list of all the things I'm grateful for, starting with my body, the bed I'm in, the place I'm sleeping in, etc. I try to feel the present moment and realize the comfort and safety I am experiencing. I try to go into detail, starting with what's close to me (my body, for example) to the things that are further away from my body and home (my friends, the positive experiences I've had, etc.). And without realizing it, I simply fall asleep. Thanks to this exercise, I manage to let go (and I flood myself with comforting energy) and I wake up realizing that I didn't need to go any further than my bedroom to fall asleep.

 "Gratitude as a way of avoiding an anxiety attack"

If you're feeling anxious and you start to build up a thousand scenarios about things and others, become aware of your state and your breathing. Then try to bring your mind back to the present moment and concentrate on two or three things for which you feel grateful for. If necessary, repeat them out loud or in your head several times while becoming aware of your breathing (and if you can, try to prolong the exhalation). After a few minutes, you should already feel that the state of anxiety you were in is gradually disappearing.


The strength of gratitude is an ultra-powerful technique for bringing back the mind that is going off in all directions at once, and where your body can experience a deep sensation of expansion. These exercises are accessible to everyone, and although you can find workbooks, books, etc. to help and guide you, the concept is free and entirely up to you. It's a powerful method that reduces stress and anxiety and, what's more, makes you feel different.

Mindfulness techniques are increasingly being studied and used in the field of psychology and self development, as they can increase psychological flexibility and reduce or at least lessen the impact of anxiety or depressive disorders (Benny, M. Huot, A. Jacques, S. Landry-Cuerrier, J. Marinier, L. (2021). Santé psychologique et psychopathologie une approche biopsychosociale (3rd ed.). Modulo).

Try it if you're feeling anxious, if you're looking for a positive change in your life, if you're looking for a bit of magic or if you're just curious or doubtful!

Don't hesitate to send me your comments, share your story or feeling about this article here or on our social networks.

See you soon.


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